July 2011 MYBRAINBASE: July 2011
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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Data Vs Information

  1. Data is a description from a certain and insident that faced
  2. Business data is a organization description about a certain (resources) and insident (transactions) that. Data fact that describe a events and real unitary. event is a something that happens at the (time) of certain. for example, in the world of business real insident often happen change from a value that called with transaction. sale for example goods value change transaction is money value or account receivable value. real unitary (fact and entity) shaped a real object likes place, thing and one who really there and happen.

    Found several information definitions, among others:
    1. Data that cultivated to be form usefuler and more mean for that accept it.
    2. Something tangible or half real that can decrease uncertainty degree about a condition or insident. Example, information that declare that dollar value will rise, will decrease uncertainty will hit to so not it a investment will be done.
    3. Organize data to will help in decision making certain or to action at time that come or not shaped a action to will achieve aim will company (this choice will be called also with business decision making).
    Data Processing
    Operation that data processing:
     a) Data input
    1. Recording transaction data to a data processing medium (example, punching number into calculator).
    2. Coding transaction data into form other (example, converting sex attribute female to font f).
    3. Storing data or information for decision making (information may be be wanted to at time that will come)
    b) Data transformation

    1. Calculating, arithmetic operation towards data field.
    2. Summarizing, accumulation process several data (example, total up work of hours every day within a week be office hours total value per week).

    c) Classifying data group certain:
      1. Categorizing data into group based on certain characteristic (example, subdividing student university data based on semester mobile).
      2. Sorting data into form in a series (example, order mother number employee according to ascending)
      3. Merging to two or more set data based on certain criteria (unites january month sale data, february and march into group quarterly). 
      4. Matching data based on user willing towards group data (example, choose all employees the income total more than 15 million per year).

      Information Output
      1. Displaying result, display information that wanted user passes monitor or printing.
      2. Reproducing, data storage that used for user other that want.
      3. Telecommunicating, data storage according to electronic passes communication channel. 
      Information cycle

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