2011 MYBRAINBASE: 2011
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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Data Vs Information

  1. Data is a description from a certain and insident that faced
  2. Business data is a organization description about a certain (resources) and insident (transactions) that. Data fact that describe a events and real unitary. event is a something that happens at the (time) of certain. for example, in the world of business real insident often happen change from a value that called with transaction. sale for example goods value change transaction is money value or account receivable value. real unitary (fact and entity) shaped a real object likes place, thing and one who really there and happen.

    Found several information definitions, among others:
    1. Data that cultivated to be form usefuler and more mean for that accept it.
    2. Something tangible or half real that can decrease uncertainty degree about a condition or insident. Example, information that declare that dollar value will rise, will decrease uncertainty will hit to so not it a investment will be done.
    3. Organize data to will help in decision making certain or to action at time that come or not shaped a action to will achieve aim will company (this choice will be called also with business decision making).
    Data Processing
    Operation that data processing:
     a) Data input
    1. Recording transaction data to a data processing medium (example, punching number into calculator).
    2. Coding transaction data into form other (example, converting sex attribute female to font f).
    3. Storing data or information for decision making (information may be be wanted to at time that will come)
    b) Data transformation

    1. Calculating, arithmetic operation towards data field.
    2. Summarizing, accumulation process several data (example, total up work of hours every day within a week be office hours total value per week).

    c) Classifying data group certain:
      1. Categorizing data into group based on certain characteristic (example, subdividing student university data based on semester mobile).
      2. Sorting data into form in a series (example, order mother number employee according to ascending)
      3. Merging to two or more set data based on certain criteria (unites january month sale data, february and march into group quarterly). 
      4. Matching data based on user willing towards group data (example, choose all employees the income total more than 15 million per year).

      Information Output
      1. Displaying result, display information that wanted user passes monitor or printing.
      2. Reproducing, data storage that used for user other that want.
      3. Telecommunicating, data storage according to electronic passes communication channel. 
      Information cycle

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      Wednesday, June 29, 2011

      System Executant

      System executant consists of seven groups, that is:
      a. User
      User is an executant above all because system is created for user and pass communication with system user is made and designed up to achieve latest form. In general user is divided to be three kinds, that is:
      • Operational, important how does the colour, like to what the input ware and another specific matter (usually user not intimate with system as a whole and inclined more up at system according to detil)
      • Supervisor, important how them can supervise system work and how user performance to operate system.
      • Executive, in general they not too intimate and related directly with system development. usually label this is more have an interest in in character strategic and system concept globally, for example chances to competition, new product that can they get from new system.
      b. Management
      Usually consist of three management kinds, that is user management (handles where does new system applied), system management (involved in that system development self) and general management (in concerned in system design strategy and decision taking supporter system).
      c. Inspector
      System size that done and where is system at implementation can determine conclusion necessary not it inspector. Inspector usually determine all a certain it based on standard size at develop in many company of a kind.
      d. System Analyst
      The functions: as archaeologist (that trace to how actually long system walks, how does system run and every thing that concern long system), inovator (help to develop and open user insight for possibilities other), mediator (run communication function from all level that is user, manager, programmer, inspector and another system executant may be not yet has attitude and manner looks at same), officer (as staff experienceder from programmer and indicated in job in advance before programmer work)
      e. System Designer
      Designer system gets system analyst result (user need doesn't correlating orientation in certain technology), then will be transformn to high level architecture design and not at formulation by programming.
      f. Programmer
      After system analyst gives the work result and then cultivated by a new system designer, programming can begin.
      g. Operation Staff
      have a duty and responsible at computer centre (for example : network) , hardware security, software security, printing and back-up. sometimes this system executant is really is not need because system that walk not big and doesn't want special qualification to run system.
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      Kinds Of System

      Basically system is divided two kinds, that is natural system likes sun system, system outside sky, reproduction system and other as it; second, human product system likes law system, library system, transportation system and other as it.
      System that be studied is otomation system , be part of human product system and interacted or controlsed by one/more computer as part from system that used in modern society. Otomation system divided in a few category, that is:

      a. On-line systems,
      System that get directly input in area where do they insert and produce product (that can be in the form of computation result) in area, where are they need. area self can be separated in for example scale kilometer, usually used for reservation air transport, banking and others.
      b. Real-time systems,
      System that controlling mechanism, data recording and processing very fast with result that acceptable during relative same. The difference with system on line time unit that used real-time usually centesimal or as thousandth as second while on-line still in scale second. Used for system airport traffic controller, guided missile and others. Another difference; on lino usually interacted with user, while realtime interacted with user and environment that mapped.
      c. Decision support system + strategic planning systems
      System that processed organization transaction daily, help managers takes decision, evaluate and analyze organization aim. used for system of pay, order system, accounting system and production system. Usually formed statistics package, order package and others. this system not only transcribes and display data but also mathematic functions, statistics analysis data and display information in the form of graph (table, chart) as conventional report.
      d. Knowledge-based systems
      Computer program that made to approach ability and erudition a expert. usually used hardware and special software likes lisp and prologue.
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      Thursday, June 23, 2011

      Classification Of System

      System classifieds to be several kinds. That is a system classification.
      a. Deterministic System
      certain system has operated with behavior that can be predicted, interaction between parts can be detected categorically so that the product predictable. example: computer program, carry out correctly as according to the instruction series. system of pay, and
      b. Probabilistic System
      System that input and the process can be defined, but output that produced can not categorically; (always there a little error or anomaly towards prophecy the way system). example: marketing system
      c. Open System
      System that connected and influenced with environment outside it. this system gets input and produce product for environment outside or the other subsystem, so that must has good control system. this system is inclined has adaptation character, adaptable with the environment so that can devolve the existence. Example: system in company has adaptation ability (business in face of market rivalry that change. will company inadaptable self alone).
      d. Closed System
      Physical system where process that doesn't experience matter transfer, energy or information with environment outside system. this system works automatically without interfere in existence from side at outside it. Example: chemistry reaction in isolation tube and closed. Closed system but not closed absolutely to get influences other. this system in the operation can get influence from outside that defined in certain limits. example: computer system (this system only has got input that determined previous, cultivate it and give product also determined previous, not influenced by fluctuation outside system)
      f. Artificial System
      System that copy insident in system. this system is formed based on insident at where is human not can to do it. In the other word imitation exist in nature. Example: system artificial intelligence, that is computer program that can to make computer impressing think. System robotic and others.
      g. Natural System
      System that formed from insident in nature. example: sea, solar system and others.
      h. Manned Sistem
      System that explain behavior that cover character with human. This system can be described in manners as follows:
      • human system - human, system focus in connection delivers human
      • human system - engine, system that invite engine to a aim
      • machine system - engine, automatic system where has task to begins and end system, meanwhile human is involved also to monitor system. interacted engine mechanically to does several activities. this automation makes to increase the important organization concept, where is human released from routine duties or physical duties heavy.
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      Characteristics of System

      to define system there two approach that used that is approach procedure and approach element.
      approach procedure:
      system is a network from procedures mutual connected, gather together to do a activity to finish a certain target. procedure operation series klerikal (writing), involve several persons in one or more departement that used to guarantee handling uniform from business transaction that with to finish a certain activity. sequence activity be used to explain to what that must be done, who do it, when done and how do it.
      approach element:
      system is a collection from interacted elements to achieve specific-purpose.

      Characteristics of System
      System has characteristics or certain characters, that is:
      a. Components
      consist of amount of component interact, and cooperate to form one unitary. components can consist of several subsystems or sub-part, where every subsystem has special function and will influence system process as a whole.
      b. Limitation
      system limitation is region that limit between a system with the other system or with environment outside it.
      c . Environment
      outside environment from a system whatever outdoor system limitation that influence system operation. environment outside system can has beneficial and can also harm.

      d. Liaison
      liaison is a media between one subsitem with the other subsystem. pass this liaison makes power sources flows from subsystem to the other subsystem.
      e. Input
      energy that putted into into system. input can be in the form of maintenance input and signal input. example in computer system, maintenance input is a program and signal input is a data.
      f. Output
      Result from energy that processed and classified to be useful product and exile remainder. example for computer system, hot that produced exile remainder, while information useful product.
      g. Process
      A system can has a processor part that will change input will be product. example: accounting system will processed transaction data will be financial statement and reports other that wanted management.
      h. Objectives
      a system certain has aim or target. target from system very determine once input that wanted system and product that be produced system. field goal covers vast scope, while objectives cover narrow scope.
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      Thursday, April 28, 2011

      Expert System

      Expert system is a system was used to replace the role of an expert in providing consulting services to leaders in the organization. Ordinary employer employs expert staff who have to-an-expert in a particular area, egin the fields of finance ,marketing ,healthcare ,field production machinery ,and so forth . When the expert is difficult to obtain because there is little or too busy with other work, it needs an expert system to replace its role in the organization.

      When an expert system to be built, then a software developer (software developer) to work together with an expert, these developers will conduct a series of question-answer (knowledge acquisition) to gather knowledge bases (knowledge base) the expert. Knowledge bases are then transferred to the base-knowledge expert system in terms of facts and rules. Then the developer to build an inference engine (inference engine) which is the decision maker in an expert system, collect information from users via frequently asked questions, and compare this information with the base-knowledge, then decide what should be informed to the user based on the data / information given.

      When a user requires information from an expert system, then the inference engine will ask a series of questions to be answered by the user via a user-interface (user interface). The answers collected by the inference engine is then used to find information from the base-knowledge, this information is then forwarded to the user. If users want to know more details about the information obtained, it can be clarified through the facilities of explanatory (explanation facility).

      Examples of expert system dialogue with its users is as follows:

      System: Hello, I'm an fruit-expert, please answer my question, yes or no.

      System: Is the color green?
      User: No

      System: What color is reddish purple?
      User: Yes

      System: Is the stem creeping?
      User: Yes

      System: Does the small round shape?
      User: Yes

      System: The fruit that you refer to is WINE

      In order for this questioning can take place better then this expert system must have a base-knowledge as follows:

      Apples: - the color yellow or red

      - the trunk is a tree
      - its shape is round

      Wine: - reddish purple color

      - stem creeping
      - small round

      Orange: - The color orange

      - the trunk is a tree
      - its shape is round

      When the system is doing the question and answer with the answer Yes Users will create a basis to examine the knowledge base, for example in the example above is the input data (reddish purple, creeping, small round) and this data is matched to the characteristics of wine, then the answer of the system are: WINE.
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      Friday, April 22, 2011

      Waterfall Model

      Waterfall Model
      This is classical model has systematic, in a series in build software. There are two descriptions from waterfall model. even if both use different phase names, but the main is same.
      Phases in waterfall model (Pressman)

      Phases in waterfall model (Sommerville)

      1. Requirements definition >>> gather need in its entirety then analyzed and be defined need everything that must be filled by software that be built. this phase must be done in its entirety to be able to produce complete design.
      2. System and software design >>> design is done after need finished gatherred in its entirety. determine system architecture as a whole.
      3. Implementation and unit testing >>> program design has translated into codes by using programming language that determined. program that built direct tested.
      4. Integration and system testing >>> program units unification then tested as a whole (system testing). after system testing, software is sent to user.
      5. Operation and maintenance >>> operate program in that area and do maintenance, like to setting or change because adaptation with situation actually. maintenance includes correction and various error yg tdk found in previous stages, repair on system unit implementation and system service development.
      Weakness Of Waterfall Model
      1. difficulty in contribute change after process is endured.
      2. previous phase must complete and finished before do phase next.
      Problem on waterfall model
      1. difficult change is done because in character stiff.
      2. because the stiff character, this model fit when need be be gatherred in its entirety so that change can be depressed as little as may be. but practically consumer/user that can give need in its entirety.
      3. in general used for big system engineer where project is done at several places differ, and divided to be some part sub-proyek.
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      Software System

      Software system

      1. Explanation
      Software system is a group program that written to serve the other programs. Software system must be installed before another software. Software system functioned to help computer do main operational task with make possible application software can operated. this system software consists of several programs that encoded by electronic. software system has function to regulate and controls hardware can do the task.

      2. Kinds of software system
      software system consist of 3 part, that is:

      a. Programming Language
      Is a language that used to write program computer, where give instruction to a computer to do to like computation and organizes current control deliver existing ware. The function is to changes architecture and algorithm that designed into format that can be run computer. For example : c++, pascal, c, java, phyton, visual basic, etc

      b. Operating System
      Operating system is a software that connect between hardware and brainware. function from system operation activate entire wares pair in computer so that each can mutual communicating. For example : Linux, windows, macintosh, FreeBSD, Unix, symbian, android, etc
      c. Utility Software
      Is a aid ware that help performance from a system operation.
      Example : Tune Up Utility , C cleaner, etc
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      Software Engineering

      Software Engineering

      Software engineering is a discipline science that discuss about all aspect productions software, begin from early stage requirement capturing (user need analysis), specification (determine spesification from user need), design, coding, testing until system maintenance after used. Everything that relate to software production process, like: software project management, method determination and development process, staff determination, budget, time-table, quality, and training user. Software engineering is a
      commands that used to processed information. can be in the form of program or procedure. Program is a commands that understand by computer. Procedure is a command that wanted by user in processed information (o’brien, 1999).
      Two important system software kinds :

      1. Operating system >>> be a liaison between user from computer with computer hardware.
      2. Programming language >>> program that used to translate instructions that written in  programming language to engine so that acceptable and understood by computer.

      Software characteristics

      1. Software built and developed (engineered, musical note manufactures). differ from hardware (hardware), software be made with a planning then after so can be developed furthermore. cost to software be specific in development.
      2. Software is never worn out (wear out) but deteriorate (deteriorate). software never worn out caused by treatment makes development pl to accustom with new need. but once software broken, so can not with other software, but must be done remaking for no access in software (differ from hardware).
      3. Till now majority software stills made to follow order (custom-built)

      Goal of software engineering

      1. Low production cost
      2. Tall program performance
      3. Tall portability
      4. Low treatment cost
      5. Reliability system and
      6. Capitulation on time

      Software Application

      1. System software
      2. Real-time software
      3. Business software
      4. Engineering/scientefic software
      5. Embedded software
      6. PC software
      7. AI software
      8. Web Application
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