Basically system is divided two kinds, that is natural system likes sun system, system outside sky, reproduction system and other as it; second, human product system likes law system, library system, transportation system and other as it.
System that be studied is otomation system , be part of human product system and interacted or controlsed by one/more computer as part from system that used in modern society. Otomation system divided in a few category, that is:
a. On-line systems,
System that get directly input in area where do they insert and produce product (that can be in the form of computation result) in area, where are they need. area self can be separated in for example scale kilometer, usually used for reservation air transport, banking and others.
b. Real-time systems,
System that controlling mechanism, data recording and processing very fast with result that acceptable during relative same. The difference with system on line time unit that used real-time usually centesimal or as thousandth as second while on-line still in scale second. Used for system airport traffic controller, guided missile and others. Another difference; on lino usually interacted with user, while realtime interacted with user and environment that mapped.
c. Decision support system + strategic planning systems
System that processed organization transaction daily, help managers takes decision, evaluate and analyze organization aim. used for system of pay, order system, accounting system and production system. Usually formed statistics package, order package and others. this system not only transcribes and display data but also mathematic functions, statistics analysis data and display information in the form of graph (table, chart) as conventional report.
d. Knowledge-based systems
Computer program that made to approach ability and erudition a expert. usually used hardware and special software likes lisp and prologue.
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